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Fiona van Lochem :)

Why hiring a Transformational Coach will elevate you to Success.

We land here on earth without an instruction manual on life.

We learn about life from our parents or family, who in turn learnt about their life from their parents or family.

So chances are you have built your life on the perspective of your parent's and how they viewed the world and themselves in it.

I myself was born in the late 1960's. My parents were born in the 1930's and 1940's. Their parents would have been born at the turn of the century being brought up by parents who were born in the 1800's.

My grandparents would have been raised with their parent's valued which they would have instilled on their children ( my parents) who in turn instilled them on me. So effectively I was raised with the values instilled by my great grandparents in the 1800's. And life then was essentially different to how it is now.

Which brings us to now.

In order to forge your way forward in life, it is imperative to step outside yourself and gain another perspective on you and how you fit into the world.

This is often a challenging task because we see ourselves one way and others view us in a different way.

We hire coaches for sporting individuals and teams, because they are able to view the skill set holistically and support and encourage the athlete to improve and excel.

We hire mentors in business to assist those starting out, on how best to navigate their chosen field of expertise based on the knowledge and wisdom garnered by someone experienced in their field.

We hire teachers to teach all manner of things, to break down what is to be learnt and demonstrate new understandings.

But in life, we just stumble along.

Making things up as we go, based on what we have been taught by parents and family. All with out a manual.

Sometimes we might ask friends for advice, but because they are vested in you, their advice may not always be impartial. Made with the best intentions, but they are often thinking about how your decision will effect their relationship with you. Especially if you are looking at major life changes.

A Transformational Coach will offer a fresh perspective, support and encouragement together with accountability towards change. They will suggest new approaches to old problems and assist you to break habits of thinking/being/doing.

They will challenge you to try new ways of thinking and open you to a whole new way of seeing yourself outside of the parameters set by your upbringing. And in doing so you will be free to take new directions in life, forge forward with motivation and initiative and create a whole new way of approaching yourself and your life so that the things you dream of become a walking reality.

Understanding the power of your mind and how this vital tool is so under-utilised will be a breakthrough moment and your time spent with your coach will be a defining moment in your life.

In fact, you will discover how to write your own instruction manual on life. This will be life changing.

If you are looking for coaching support, I offer 1:1 hourly coaching at any time, available in person or via Skype. Please book an appointment on 0418 512 822 or

For those dedicated to some deep soul and heart centred work, expressions of interest are open for the January intake of my Elite Transformational Coaching program. This 3 month program is unique in its structure and provides profound and deep changes. Please register your interest via email:

For more information please visit my website

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