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Fiona van Lochem :)


What comes to mind when you hear ‘risk taker’?

Do you think of someone who drives fast cars or takes up skydiving?

Do you think of someone who builds a business and takes on financial debt?

Or is it when you think of someone who does something ‘big’?

A risk taker need not be someone big and flashy.

A risk taker need not be someone who lives off adrenalin.

A risk taker can be someone who pulls themselves out of bed when their heart is broken.

Who shows up when life knocks them down.

Who tries again and again even though what they are aiming for feels further and further away as they see every attempt as a ‘failure’.

A risk taker is someone who opens themselves to the depth of their feelings. Someone who allows themselves to connect with and acknowledge their feelings – positive and negative ones.

A risk taker is someone who allows themselves to be vulnerable with their fears and use this to allow themselves to break open.

A risk taker is someone who opens their heart even though life has shattered their heart over and over again.

A risk taker is someone who seeks out help when their fears and procrastinations shout loudly to them to go it alone.

A risk taker is someone who recognises their excuses keep them where they are and not where they want to be.

A risk taker is someone who loves themselves all the more deeply every time they fail because they know that they are operating outside their comfort zone.

A risk taker is someone who speaks and walks their authentic truth even when those they love the most mock or ridicule this authenticity.

A risk taker is someone who doesn’t allow their past to dictate their future, someone who isn’t defined by their story.

A risk taker is someone who acknowledges that seeking out help for healing is not a weakness but a gift of love for self.

A risk taker is someone who faces procrastination and creates the life they know in their heart they are worthy of.

A risk taker is someone who sees their flaws and loves them anyway.

A risk taker is someone who listens to their heart and follows their intuition.

A risk taker is someone who doesn’t fit in but honours their calling all the same.

That risk taker is you.

Be you.

Take risks.

Live life.

Love yourself more.

Fiona van Lochem is a Transformational Coach and healer. If you are looking for guidance and support visit

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