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FREE 5 Day Challenge.

Benefits To You:

- Be more authentic in your life 

- Understand limiting beliefs around getting what you want

- Boost your positive thinking

- Develop awareness

- Shift your inner thoughts & feelings around guilt or shame

- You receive exact action items each day

- Feel complete alignment and happiness with who you are

- Gain an understanding of your intuition

"The five days have been enlightening for me. Fiona has guided me through each topic with a clarity I was not expecting. The pdfs that accompanied the course are easy to follow and a good aid to have to hand. Over the years I had lost myself in many ways. It has helped me to realise I have my own power. There are doors in my life that will now close because I shall speak MY truth, but I KNOW there is a light now shining ahead for me. I would recommend this course to all who are drawn to it. "Kathy


First things first, if you haven't already, download the PDF below, then come back to this page :) 

There are 6 videos.


1. Complete the section of the PDF before watching the video for that day.

2. Watch the video to help you expand your thinking and understanding.

3. PreChallenge video is for the WELCOME section of the PDF.

4. Each other video corresponds to the day of the challenge.

5. I'd love your feedback or if you have any questions along the way, send me an email.

Pre- Challenge

This Challenge was originally a FB live, together with all the technical challenges which arose from it all ( including it being my first FB Live challenge!). PS. The Video does go the right way up!

Day One
Seek out what you want without guilt or shame.

Vibration, purpose and honouring who you are.

Day Two
Be honest with yourself about what is working and what is not. 

Choices, heart space and resistance.

Day Three
Understand that the only thing that you can control is what goes on in your mind. 

Overthinking, body chemistry, patterns and healing.

Day Four
Learn to say no…and mean it. 

Boundaries, worthiness and resentment.

To find out more about Live.Your.Truth program, click below.

Day Five
Tune back in.. 

Trust, knowing, courage and peace.

To find out more about Live.Your.Truth program, click below.

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