Hello, I'm so glad you've decided to take this wonderful opportunity for growth, Change is always hard and peeling back the layers can sometimes be a difficult process. These things, however, are a part of who we are and how we evolve, take on new insights and approach to life with a whole new perspective. So it's time to step into your confidence, claim back your authentic self and take life by the horns. Are you ready?
This course takes you through 6 Modules which will slowly build the way you see yourself. Give yourself time to assimilate the content and reflect on who you are. Grab yourself a workbook in which to record your thoughts on each Exercise. Allow yourself space in which to enjoy the process in order to get as much from it as possible.
NB. I suggest you give yourself at least week for each module. Think through things. Put it aside for a day or two. Come back to it again and observe your development. Give yourself as much time as you need. Go gently on yourself. This transformation will be worth it. If there are areas you have difficulty with, push yourself to work on them. Resistance is a sign that there is something that needs work. You'll thank yourself. Really, you will. x
Who Are You?
So now it's time to peel back the layers.
From the moment we are born we are labelled. It's how we make sense of the world and communicate with each other but it starts from birth and builds from there.
When you were born you are given a gender.....the inevitable question, in fact the first real question is ' what did you/they have?'. Girl. Boy. Ist label.
From there other labels are added. Where you are born indicates who you are. Australian. Chinese. Lebanese. Mexican. But is this WHO you are?
Your skin tone is labelled, your hair type, your eye color and the list goes on. Then there, amongst other things, are religion, your financial status, where you fit in your family.....Many things 'define' us before we even define ourselves. So how do you define yourself?
If you were to introduce yourself to me what would you say? Be specific. Imagine we just met at a party and go from there. Write down your thoughts in a workbook or craw pictures or mind-maps.
Did you define yourself by what you do?
Did you define yourself by where you live?
Did you define yourself by what car you drove?
How much money you have?
Whether you are married or not? Have children or not?
List all the labels you have. Those given to you by others ( family/friends/society) and those given to you by yourself.